Our Services
Day Treatment Services are the most intensive outpatient services available to children and youth with Serious Emotional Disorders (SED).
Trained Crisis Response staff provides crisis stabilization directed toward preventing hospitalization.
Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies.
Peer Support Services are person-centered activities with a rehabilitation and resiliency/recovery focus.
Community Support Services should be person-centered and focus on the individual’s recovery and ability to succeed in the community; to identify and access needed services; and to show improvement in home, health, purpose and community.
Targeted Case Management Services are defined as services that provide information/referral and resource coordination for individuals and/or his/her family, or other supports.
The structure of wraparound programs can vary greatly; they often include intensive behavioral healthcare planning and case management for eligible individuals, including children, adolescents, and their families.
Assessing the need for psychotropic medication, prescribing medications, and regular periodic monitoring of the medications prescribed for therapeutic effect and medical safety.